Become a TAAFWalk Over the Edge Sponsor

Become a TAAFWalk Over the Edge Sponsor

Over the Edge
is a unique and exciting event that will attract media coverage and generate buzz! Between the band, the booths, and the walkers from Coast to Coast, TAAFWalk will inspire. At Over the Edge, guests and spectators will honor those walkers as they cheer on d
descending rappellers with all the celebration, food, and more!

Join our
Partners of Merit, the San Francisco Marathon and the San Francisco Giants. As a sponsor you can:

  • Connect your brand to life-saving research and community involvement beside previous sponsor institutions like UCSF, Stanford, Cleveland Clinic, and others
  • Reach a diverse, engaged audience
  • Facilitate staff bonding with team fundraising challenges and rappelling opportunities for employees

Contact Dina Chon, Executive Director, for more information about sponsorship opportunities.

Phone: 562-832-6140 (cell)