Welcome to The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation

TAAF is dedicated to bettering the lives, support networks, and medical care of those affected by aneurysm and other types of vascular malformation of the brain.

TAAF mourns the loss of beloved leader, Lisa Hannegan

Lisa Hannegan~Founder, Leader, Mentor, Friend
It is with the greatest sadness that we share the loss of Lisa Hannegan--our cherished founder, leader, mentor, and friend.  Lisa passed away last Friday,  May 7, 2021 following a devastating biking accident.

Lisa is so loved by our entire community, and our hearts are utterly shattered.  She was not only a central face of The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation, Lisa was also directly at its heart.  The ripples of her extraordinary care, love, and service extend far and wide, and will do so forever.

We encourage all who have felt the warmth of Lisa’s legacy of love to hold one another up at this most heartbreaking of times through messages, texts, phone calls, and the sharing of photos and memories.  Know that the TAAF community is here to do this with you and for you. Please allow us to continue to serve you as we always do by contacting Dina at dina@taafonline.org.

At a time like this, we often feel the need to do something to honor our loved one as well as quell our grief and even anger. We at TAAF have had little time to process our own grief but understand many will want to show their gratitude for all that Lisa gave to our community. In addition to leading TAAF and helping manage our support group, Lisa contributed so much to helping our annual awareness event, TAAFWalk. We will be hosting our walk again this September, and we would be honored and grateful if you would be interested in volunteering your time or support to help us continue this valuable activity. We have begun discussion for how to best honor the remarkable contributions Lisa made to all of us. Part of that plan will likely include a research grant in her name. We will release details about this as soon as they are available.

In closing, there are no words to describe this staggering loss. To express all that Lisa meant to us and how much we all meant to her is impossible.  Simply, we are all better for having known Lisa Hannegan, and we all shine brighter having been honored by the gift of her love and care.   We send peace and love to Lisa’s family, and to all of you.

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Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024

Doctors Day Invitation

Celebrate Doctors' Day with TAAF! Download our digital card and be included on the website too. Learn more at link.

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Special Announcements

YOU did this and we could not be more grateful

The leadership of TAAF is proud to announce that we are DOUBLING research grant contribution, GIFTING over 100K in 2021! Thanks to all who rallied during TAAFWalk2020 and throughout this trying year.

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021